“Invest in yourself, you can’t buy this kind of education on YouTube.” - Nick

I was once asked by a potential client, 'Can you guarantee me fish?' I responded as kindly as I could, saying, 'If you're looking for a guaranteed fish, I’d recommend heading to your local Safeway. But if you're looking to expand your fishing knowledge and skills, then I’m your guy.'"I still stand by this conversation with potential clients: 'Can you guarantee me fish?' I respond kindly, 'If you’re looking for a guaranteed fish, try your local Safeway. But if you're looking to expand your fishing knowledge and skills, I’m your guy.'

And just to be clear, guide is spelled G-U-I-D-E, not G-O-D. The only guarantee I can give you as a guide is my attitude, my ability to adapt, and my work ethic on the water. When you invest in a guide, you're investing in your toolbox. Every technique I teach you is a tool, and each tool has its own use. The more we fish together, the bigger and more diverse your toolbox becomes.

I’m not here to show you how great a fisherman I am; I guide because my true job is to help bring out the greatness that’s already within you.

So, if you're reading this, please don't hesitate to bring up any questions you have. Feel free to make a list of them and we can go over them when we discuss your trip on the phone."

I’ve been guiding people for most of my adult life, specializing in a variety of techniques designed to help you succeed. My true measure of success is your continued progress and growth in the world of fishing. What drives me is my commitment to overcoming challenges and finding success, no matter the conditions.

You’re probably asking yourself, 'Why this guy?' The answer is simple: it’s my passion that fuels your success. I truly believe that as humans, we are either hunters or fishermen, and most tend to gravitate toward one or the other.

As for me, I do not hunt, I do not play golf, and I do not watch football. My life is entirely dedicated to this sport.