I fish the Skagit system. It is home, a piece of me, and all I do.
I fish the Skagit system. It is home, a piece of me, and all I do.
September thru December Fall Coho
Fall Coho fishing on the Skagit River can offer some truly incredible experiences. With run numbers often reaching over 100,000, these migratory salmon begin their journey into the system as early as September and can last all the way through Christmas. Whether you're an experienced angler or a beginner, Coho fishing offers something for everyone. With a wide range of techniques available, it’s an exciting challenge that promises plenty of action for all skill levels.
January thru April Winter/Spring Steelhead
Starting in January, we'll focus on targeting trophy wild steelhead in the Skagit River and its main tributary, the Sauk River. This is a strictly catch-and-release fishery, and we approach it with the utmost respect. These incredible fish are something that generations of anglers should experience, and we’ll ensure the moment is preserved by capturing plenty of video, measurements, and photos to share with your friends and family.
Winter steelhead are often regarded as the most prized of all game fish, and for good reason. Their sheer size and incredible stamina make catching them a challenge of monumental proportions, offering an unforgettable test of skill and perseverance
May thru July Spring Chinook
Starting in May, Spring Chinook begin to make their appearance in the Skagit system, heading for the Marblemount Hatchery. These fish typically average around 15 pounds and are known for their excellent table fare. One of my personal favorite species to target, they combine sheer strength, aggression, and the variety of techniques we use to catch them, making for an exciting and rewarding experience.
March 15- August 31 Other species target
As a versatile guide fishing the Skagit system, I take full advantage of all the available fisheries. We offer trips for sturgeon, Dolly Varden, and pink salmon (when in season), as well as saltwater trips for migratory Dollies. Whatever your interest, there's always something exciting to target throughout the year.
THE Skagit O.G.
THE Skagit O.G.